Last year, new studio Robot Entertainment, formed from the ashes of Age of Empires developer Ensemble Studios, released their first effort, the third person shooter-tower defense game Orcs Must Die!, which took great glee in decimating orcs and other monsters with elaborate, deadly traps. The developer has announced the sequel, which will add co-op.
According to CEO Patrick Hudson, the orc killing in the first game was good, but not enough. “In 2011, we implored players to kill the orcs. As many as possible. Yet, only 3.4 billion orcs have been slaughtered to date,” he stated, ”The only way we will get to a respectable orc death toll is by adding another killing machine and cooperative play. Bring a friend and destroy the orcs!”
The game takes place a few days after the original ended, and even though the rifts were closed, the magical Order was dead and a new horde of orcs have descended upon him. This time, however, he has a dubious ally, the Sorceress who was responsible for the destruction of the Order.
While the War Mage remains a headstrong brawler who can wade into the fray swinging a sword, the Sorceress’ skills are more of a crowd control type who can use mind control and magic to keep attackers away from her.
Orcs Must Die! 2 will feature a whole new campaign which can be played in single player, or co-op. The game will also add new enemy types, more traps and defenses, and a completely revamped skull upgrade system.
Gamers who want to get their hands on the game early can check it out at Robot Entertainment’s boot at PAX East this week in Boston, MA. The game is due to be released this Summer exclusively for PC. The original Orcs Must Die! was released on Xbox Live Arcade and Steam.
As a special bonus, players who own the original Orcs Must Die! on PC will unlock exclusive content in the sequel.