The loss of troops on such a scale is ”going to affect you more deeply” this time with Rome II, as they work to lessen emotional detachment. They’re aiming for human drama on a ”very macro-scale”.
Basically Creative want you bawling like baby as a legion or two gets crushed - not because it’ll hurt those battle stats, but because your empire just lost some precious souls.
”We’ve got naval battle and land battles interacting for the first time, so you can throw ships up beaches and have people ‘Saving Private Ryan-ing’ it up the beach,” said brand director Rob Bartholomew. In Total War: Rome II the Creative Assembly team are marrying naval and land battles allowing for some particularly grand spectacles of war.
”When I say Saving Private Ryan, that’s a phrase we’re using around the office a lot because we’re trying to inject that real feeling of horrific warfare so that the loss of your troops is going to affect you more deeply this time around.”
”We’re putting more personality into the troops that you’ll send marching off across the battlefield by using facial motion capture and giving more resources to animation,” he continued. ”We want to create that level of human strife, drama and character on a very macro-scale amongst these gigantic battles at the same time.”
Total War: Rome II releases on PC in 2013.