EA Maxis’ lead designer Stone Librande for SimCity gives us a walkthrough of the strategies involved in juggling multiple cities as he looks to grow his casino city using the influence of his neighbours.
It talks up the co-operative nature of city services and how your neighbours cops and fire-fighters can save the day in your town. The narrated playthrough has over 6 minutes of gameplay footage.
This new video also gives us a greater peak at building upgrades and how modular they are. This is a continuation from the very first ‘gameplay strategy’ released.
As a jumbo SimCity 4 fan, I’m exploding with joy that we can apparently transfer funds from one city to another. It always seemed rather silly to have one city swimming in millions while a start-up neighbour struggled in the poor house. The modular building upgrades are also pretty spiffing, and let us customise looks a bit.
SimCity releases on PC in March 2013.