According to Cryptic, ”Ferasans are closely related to Caitians. Ferasans are bipedal, have tails that assist their balance, extended maxillary canine teeth and large eyes with excellent night vision. Their skin is covered with a soft fur coat, and their felinoid ears can pick up frequencies that most humanoids are unable to detect. Some Ferasans have telepathic abilities.”
Gamers can also make a Ferasan Bridge Officer Requisition for 400 Cryptic Points, which will come with the aforementioned Predatory Instincts, but also a Telepathic trait and a Pounce skill.
Cryptic notes regarding the Ferasan bridge officers, ”These Bridge Officers are only available to Klingon Defense Force characters. Ferasan Bridge Officer Requisitions are tradable. To gain additional Ferasan Bridge Officers, you must acquire another Ferasan Bridge Officer Requisition Form. There are male and female options for Tactical, Science and Engineering officers. These officers are not Unique, so you may have multiple Ferasans on your crew.”
Cryptic announced yesterday that Star Trek Online’s PvP will be completely revamped.