Beyond: Two Souls director and writer David Cage believes the game will send out a strong message with the way it uses actors to connect gamers to the experience.
”The game is going to send a strong signal to the game industry, but also to Hollywood because of Ellen (Page’s) involvement and the fact that she was so great during shooting,” he said.”If the game is successful, and if her performance is seen as something that proved the quality of the experience, it’s going to be a signal to the industry that says ‘look, it’s possible to do games this way.’”
”But it will also be a signal for Hollywood to say, ‘this is now a respectable medium.’ If you are a talented actor, there are games that give you the opportunity to show what you can do, and to treat your emotions in the same way that films do.”
”In Hollywood, many people still think that games are about shooting,” Cage continued, ”so most actors have no interest in them. They don’t want to just be a face on an avatar who is shooting people. So there is still some interest in Hollywood for games, but they are still really cautious. Beyond will send them interesting signals.”