Since Harold P. Warren’s 1966 stinker Manos: The Hands of Fate aired on Mystery Science Theater 3000, its popularity skyrocketed, spurring Manos parties, a documentary, a sequel and a remake. It only makes sense that this occult film would find a videogame adaptation.
Naturally, the game is a retro-style 8-bit Nintendo homage, which pays homage to other bad films, including The Killer Shrews, The Crawling Hand, Troll 2, Hobgoblins, The Giant Claw and Robot Monster.
Other, subtle MST3K references abound, though disguised to prevent license infringement (though The Master apparently owns a very familiar red bubble gum machine.)
The game will be released on Steam later this year, while an iOS release is coming next week on the 24th July. In the meantime, check out the gameplay video.