A web hosting company registered Sonic Adventure 3 domains back in April. There seems to be no link to SEGA beyond the name domain name. Does this reveal a new entry for Sonic?
Previously domain registrations that led to actual releases where made by EuroDNS, but they weren’t involved this time. Sonic Adventure 2 released back in 2001 on Dreamcast.
SEGA has at least re-released the original Sonic Adventure on more platforms like PC. Sonic Adventure 2 is due to hit Xbox 360 and PS3 later in 2012. Is there to be a third?
The domains: sonicadventure3.com, sonicadventure3.net, sonicadventure3.org, sonicadventure3.fr and sonicadventure3.eu were grabbed by 1&1 Hosting in France, reports TSSZ. Sonic Generations, Sonic Free Riders and Sonic the Hedgehog 4 all became real after EuroDNS registered them.