There’s not much fanfare to be had, but it’s more about what Braben reveals throughout the footage. They show off a pursuit through an asteroid field. There’s no sound, HUD or other fancy stuff yet.
Elite will have matchmaking that lets us hunt solo, with a group of space chums or in a free-for-all dogfight. Ship damage is to be localised so watch your cargo hold.
You don’t want your plunder spewing out all over the place do you? It also means too much damage will have us limping away for repairs. Fancy piloting manoeuvres will also generate more heat on our ships which then make us appear brighter on the radars of other vessels, detailed David Braben.
Check out the Elite: Dangerous developer diary below. The Kickstarter campaign has 39 days to go with £586,289 of £1,250,000 pledged so far. They’ve also added a ‘writer’s pack’ reward tier which will let those who pledge £4,500 actually contribute written fiction to Elite: Dangerous.