One of the major improvements will be the class balancing, the Rogue in particular. “Class balance has been a hot topic, with many of you commenting on the strength and versatility of the Rogue class compared to other classes, such as the Warrior and Priest,” explains the developer in the blog, ”Rogues will have some key spells and minions adjusted to bring them more in line with the other classes. Warriors and Priests will find themselves with new tools and improved cards to round out their arsenal, and we’ve made some adjustments to the other classes here and there as well.”
Other improvements are coming to crafting - ”We’ve updated the UI for our crafting system, so making cards for your collection should be even easier than before” - and the social features. ”We’ve improved our chat functionality to make it more streamlined and easier to interact with your friends. We’ve also introduced Toasts: they’re a cool addition to our social features that let your friends know when you’ve done something awesome in-game, like open a Legendary card or complete an Arena run,” related Blizzard.
Hearthstone is expected to go live on PC later this year.