Liege is “a party-based, tactical role-playing game for PC, Mac, iOS and Android” that is “inspired by Japanese RPG classics, chess, and others.” The game is intended as the first part of a trilogy, and will be released December 2014.
According to the developer, combat is tactical and turn-based, with no transition between wandering throughout the realm and battles. Gamplay focuses on strategic placement of units and movement, “inspired by games like FF Tactics, Fire Emblem, and chess.”
Liege has no stretch goals announced yet, despite hitting its goal in only a few days. It seems Coda had no idea the game would receive this much attention so quickly. ”I’ll be announcing some stretch goals in the next few days, with a focus on increasing the quality of the game’s art and sound assets, scaling up specific scenes and locations, and porting to additional platforms,” stated the most recent update.
Gamers can check out Liege’s Kickstarter page here.