According to the developer, ”Baby jack runs the “hoarders R us” store in mewgenics, selling his nona’s “collections” in order to remove her from the self imposed tomb she currently resides in just beyond the stores wall. Most know this design from animal crossing, you collect items to fill your house, it’s basically the core of what animal crossing is. but with mewgenics we wanted to make this collecting/hoarding aspect more meaningful, we wanted it to go beyond basic hoarding for hoardings sake…”
Every single item that can be purchased has an effect of some sort on the world. For example, ”Clocks manipulate time, healthy food raises hp and your cats hunger threshold, spoiled food or trash raises the chance of strays visiting your house, microwaves and other radioactive items raise mutation chances, evil items raise aggression and sometimes damage.”
Team Meat noted that it had created 650 items of furniture with an aim of having over 750. The developer finally teased that not only do items affect stats as mentioned earlier, but ”they also affect your cats identity” - something they would go further into in a new blog next week.