They didn’t receive cash from some licensor to make it - it’s all their own work, with the goal to make the ”most authentic Star Trek game we could.” They’ve been cautious of the pitfalls.
Star Trek the game is based off the original series with Captain Kirk. It’s also working off of JJ Abram’s immensely successful reboot starring Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto.
The actors reprise their roles as Kirk and Spock in the game, lending their likeness and voice. ”Our goal was to make the most authentic Star Trek game we could,” said Paramount’s Brian Miller. ”We’re not a licensed game - we’re funding this and making this ourselves. A traditional licensed game, you get a licensor and say they’ll give you some money to make the game. This is a game that we’re making in-house, and it’s been funded by Paramount Pictures from day one.”
”There’s a lot of stigma to movie-based games and there have been some that have done it well. But the majority haven’t lived up to expectations, and that was something that we’ve been cautious of since the day we started making this game.”
The recent release of Aliens: Colonial Marines has unfortunately undone much of the great work Rocksteady had accomplished with Batman: Arkham Asylum/City where licensed properties didn’t have to blow big time. Paramount believes they have identified what has generally hampered others in this field.
”We boiled it down to three things - one was that they didn’t give themselves enough times,” said Miller. ”We also wanted to make sure it was funded correctly. We’ve been working with the greatest partners we can. Most importantly, we wanted to make sure the same people that brought the film to life, those same minds were working on that game as well.”
Star Trek releases on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC April 23rd in the US, 26th in EU.