It also mentions terraforming, naming buildings and Sims, subways, co-op cities, one way roads, bus and street car lanes, denser cities, ‘multi-zone’ skyscrapers and more.
A ‘classic mode’ also refers to having a single large city (offline) that you’re free to cheat and play with all unlocks. It also talks about importing Sims and even ‘nurturing them’.
Multi-city play in regions could also become competitive and not just co-operative. It even mentions the possibility of a Military Set that could let you build up a military complex which could then respond to disasters. Demolition Pack would automatically clean away rubble and abandoned buildings?
Some of the items (if all this is true?) sound quite intriguing and would certainly inject much needed variety and vibrancy into the latest SimCity. City sizes that are at least twice as big are a must.
There’s a load of stuff included in this alleged survey, which was shared on Reddit.