To really understand all of his explanations you’ll need to have read the 5.4 patch notes, and Street also asks that we not judge degrees of ”love or hate” for each class by paragraph length.
The Blizzard dev doesn’t go into super fine detail over damage tunings, as that’s what the patch notes are for, but he does try to clear up reasons behind the changes.
”I wanted to take a moment to provide context for some of the Patch 5.4 class changes that we’ve been making. If you haven’t already, you’ll want to get acquainted with the 5.4 PTR Patch Notes, as this watercooler is going into detail on the changes listed,” began Greg Street’s mighty blog.
He points out three things to keep in mind:
• The team made a lot of changes to glyphs that weren’t working out well or were just to provide some new choices. There were a lot of changes so to keep this blog manageable, I’m not going to go into them in detail.
• I’m not going to get into specific damage or healing tuning unless it requires extra explanation for some reason. In general, you can assume that your damage was too low or too high if you see generic buffs or nerfs to abilities.
• As I write this, Patch 5.4 has not shipped yet, so if there are changes yet to come, I’m obviously not going to be able to cover them!
”One final caveat: please don’t consider the number of changes or the size of the paragraphs as an indication of the degree to which we love or hate your class,” he continued. ”When players start weighing the number of words we use on each class, the end result is just to make us less likely to want to engage in discussions like this.”
Check out Greg Street’s ’Dissecting Patch 5.4 Class Changes’ blog for the breakdown. 5.4 PTR patch notes here.