According to Bado, ”the game has changed, evolved and improved over the years, from a simple 8-bit run-and-jump to something far more compelling. The game has seen at least half a dozen iterations, each time dying, but being reborn as some kind of a stubborn freaking phoenix.”
Legend of Iyo plans to be a Metroidvania style game with boss battles reminiscent of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and the 16-bit Contra games using his own ”procedural module-animation editor for bringing those to life without killing me with animation work.”
While the game will maintain a 256x192 resolution to keep the Super NES’ “chunky pixel goodness”, Legend of Iyo will also have tons of animation - the main character alone will have over 500 frames of animation.
To check out the game’s Kickstarter page, visit it here.