Perfect World has announced a new expansion for their Far East-themed MMO Jade Dynasty, Regenesis. The expansion includes a new race called the Etherkin, who are divided by two factions, the Psychea and Kytos.
The Etherkin are transdimensional beings, and are wildly different from one another. The Psychea wield calligraphy brushes that can summon traps and mechs on the battlefield, while the Kytos use magic as brute force, using their own health to fuel it instead of spirit.
Regenesis also includes:
* A Sprawling new starting zone. All three races’ starting zones, plus the hub city of New Sunstream, are in the same map.
Alliance bases. (Alliances are up to 200+ players.)
Reworked starting experience. The starting quests have been reworked to be more engaging, and to showcase the game’s arcane, colorful maps.
New instances and updates to old instances.
Updated graphics engine, allowing for improved foliage interaction and better lighting on water.
More info on Regenesis can be found on the official site here.