According to the developer Alex Fundora, ”In order to survive, your primary need is simply to eat dinosaur meat. There are plenty of small dinosaurs on the island for you to hunt, but larger carnivores are nearly impossible to kill and are effective at preventing you from obtaining your food.”
Co-operation to kill smaller dinosaurs to get their meat is required - as well as to defend against larger, hungry dinos. However, food sources are finite. ”The more meat that is being stored by players, the fewer huntable dinosaurs will be present on the map,” warns Fundora, ”This will cause other tribes to seek down and destroy your campsites. Becoming the dominant tribe on the island is the ultimate goal.”
The Kickstarter project has already doubled its funding goal, with 20 days to spare. The stretch goals are refreshing in that rather than adding content, it adds staff. At $75K, part-time designers who will help progress the game’s content. Reaching $175K will bring dedicated artists to creating an immersive gameworld. ”These guys will amp up the game world with better visuals, as well as ensure technically optimized content,” states Fundora. $200K will just bring full Oculus Rift support.
Gamers interesting in funding The Stomping Land can visit the Kickstarter project page here.