It’s revealed that boss fights have been reworked by the Montreal team so they aren’t bullet-fests, although each boss still has to die because of the story. Energy recharges two cells as well now.
There are also ”striking visual improvements” to the game thanks to the continued tinkering by programmers on The Missing Link DLC, with better AI behaviours to boot.
Right now it’s horribly depressing as all Xbox 360, PS3 and PC gamers of Deus Ex: Human Revolution are left out in the cold while Wii U gets all the greatness. However there is hope a Director’s Cut could be released on PC at least, although apparently not on Xbox 360 because it exceeds disc limits.
”They have to die,” said executive game director Jean-Francois Dugas on bosses, reports Eurogamer, ”but the fact is you’re not forced to go full-frontal with them. You can just use some of the devices or tricks in the rooms to eventually kill them without having to spend your own bullets.”
The Wii U GamePad is utilised for hacking and the like in Human Revolution. Other fan gripes have been seen to like energy now recharging two cells instead of just the one, because nothing spoilt the fun more than having all those fancy augmentations only to be out of juice eighty percent of the time.
”One of the criticisms we received back with the original release was, it’s cool you have all those augmentations, but it’s like at the same time we balanced it in such a way that we don’t want you to use them!” he joked.
”It’s not balancing it to make it super easy,” Dugas insists. ”It’s still Deus Ex. You still have to make your choices. But we wanted to give you more opportunities to have fun with all the augmentations you acquire.”
Hopefully Square Enix will slip the Director’s Cut over to Steam sometime. The Missing Link DLC is now officially part of the main game as Eidos Montreal have fitted it in seamlessly. ”We really did quite a lot to make this package very unique,” Dugas says, ”and give the old fans who already enjoyed Human Revolution a new purpose to enjoy it again.”
Activating tear duct augments now. Damn, low battery.