Capcom may very well be announcing Resident Evil 7 next month at E3 in California if an alleged promotional poster still in the design phase is to be believed. It’s best you keep that rumour-mill salt lick nearby.
Again, if the poster is to be believed, then Resi Evil 7 has the tag ‘The War Ends Now’. Of course this could all be some 12-year-old on a sugar high playing around with Photoshop.
I’m leaning more towards fake. E3 2013 takes place June 11-13 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. It’s usually the best time of the year to drown in announcements.
Are Capcom ready for another major Resident Evil instalment? ‘Leaks’ on Photobucket suggest yes. Resident Evil: Revelations releases May 21st so it could just be inspiring some fakers to totally fake us – those jerks.