They’ll be using CiiNOW’s proprietary, er, Cumulus, cloud-based streaming tech for video games. Seriously that’s its name. This new service will let GAME customers ”experience instant gaming”.
CiiNOW’s platform is to ”capitalize on the lucrative gaming market as it transitions from physical media to pure digital distribution.” Part of their funding is from AMD Ventures.
”GAME has been the place to get great video game content in the UK, and we are excited to support their ambition to provide customers with a device-agnostic, immersive gaming experience,” said Ron Haberman, CEO of CiiNOW Inc.
“With the incorporation of CiiNOW’s cloud-based technology, GAME’s customers will now experience instant gaming like never before.” It’s an unfortunate name they choose for the tech as, while it’s certainly to do with clouds, most probably won’t know how to pronounce it exactly right and so… juvenile hilarity will ensue.
“As the face of gaming changes, it’s vital that we stay at the forefront,” said Martyn Gibbs, CEO of GAME.
“We believe in providing our customers with access to great games in every gaming arena and these trials will help shape how we do that. By using CiiNOW’s scalable cloud-based gaming technology, we will be able to offer our broad customer base an instant and exciting entertainment experience.”
This new video game streaming service should be up and running in later 2013.