In total there are a staggering ”36 different endings,” said CD Projekt’s Adam Badowski, which was then corrected to mean ”thirty-six world states.” Every decision is tracked, minor to major.
The studio feels it best to say, in broad terms, that there are three different epilogues. They didn’t set out to make it this way, it was just a ”natural consequence” of the story.
”The game is quite complex,” said CD Projekt Red managing director, Adam Badowski.
”We didn’t mean to develop something special for the endings, it’s a natural consequence of the story line. The story has hundreds of different branches and sub plots. We have to just sum all of those elements up in the epilogues. Some of those elements are taken from the very beginning and some from other moments of the storyline.”
”All of them will connect in the epilogue. We have a lot of things to summarize. We didn’t spend time on inventing endings, it was just the consequence of those choices,” he explained.
The Witcher 3 begins after the Nilfgaardian Empire has launched their invasion of the Norther Kingdoms, and Geralt of Rivia - the White Wolf - has fully regained his memories. CD Projekt plan on supporting saves from The Witcher 2. This new game will have around a hundred hours of gameplay from main story quests to sub plots.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is in development for PC and PlayStation 4.