Batman: Arkham Origins was released yesterday, and already gamers are reporting serious issues with the game on all platforms.
One is a game-ending bug in the Burnley Tower in which Batman is trapped in the tower by Enigma (aka The Riddler). The way out is a grate - unfortunately, Batman just hangs there from his fingertips and can get it, probably due to collision detection.
How this got beyond QA is utterly mystifying.
The PC version has a bizarre workaround, though it’s asking a bit much of the player.
There are also graphic issues such as Killer Croc vanishing (with sound vanishing), sound bugs, stuttering cutscenes, and so on - and WB Montreal didn’t want to be known as the guys “who messed up Batman”.
UPDATE: Due to the lack of a save game, relying entirely on checkpoints, the Mad Hatter raft bug will basically end the game, since there is no way to revert to an early checkpoint or save game, since there is no save game feature.
A list of bugs have been posted on the Steam community page.