The game was suggested by VVVVVV’s Terry Cavanaugh, and includes the following developers: Ian Snyder (Captain Dan v. Zombie Plan), Jack King-Spooner (Will You Ever Return?, Blues for Mittavinda), Zarathustra (Eversion), Richard Perrin (Kairo), Michael Brough (Vesper.5, Corrypt), Robert Yang (creator of Half-Life 2′s Radiator mod), Alan Hazelden (These Robotic Hearts of Mine), Benn Powell (RGB), Jake Clover (Sluggish Moors), Micheal “TheBlackMask” Lawrence (Dopterra) and Jasper Byrne (Lone Survivor).
The result is a retraux 8-bit computer adventure which is abstract and disturbing.
Several developers posted their thoughts on their segments on their blogs:
Terry Cavanaugh (Chapter 1)
Ian Snyder (Chapter 2)
Jack King Spooner (Chapter 3)
Michael Brough (Chapter 6)
Robert Yang (Chapter 7)
Jasper Byrne (Chapter 12)
Gamers interested in checking out Experiment 12 can download it here.