The huge basement flooder actually came from the EA Help Desk that suddenly featured Mirror’s Edge 2. The chances of EA revealing something at E3 next month is increasingly likely.
A NeoGAF user spotted the Mirror’s Edge 2 page on the EA Help Desk after trying out the URL for it, but also checked for ‘mirrors-edge-3’ which returned an error page.
Amazon Germany was the first to suddenly have Mirror’s Edge 2 among its product listings, but took it down shortly after. Yesterday the same occurred with Amazon Italy. Interestingly the German listing had the sequel listed under Xbox 360 but with an Xbox One placeholder boxart.
”It is general knowledge in the Stockholm dev scene that Mirror’s Edge 2 is in production at DICE,” said Ben Cousins, a former executive producer for Battlefield. He said this late last year. E3 2013 takes place June 11-13 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, which is in two weeks’ time.