2K Games and Turtle Rock announced co-op alien hunting shooter Evolve’s second closed Alpha testing phase at PAX Prime this weekend. Turtle Rock are calling it the ”Big Alpha”, and they’ll be distributing keys through various outlets in the run up to the as yet unannounced start date.
If you want to try the game out you’ll want to keep an eye out for codes on Evolve’s Twitter account, Facebook and various other social media websites.
Anyone who tried out the game’s demo at PAX got a VIP code, but let’s face it, you probably weren’t there. You’ll have to scavenge access the old-fashioned way. The last Alpha was held back in July, back when the game was still set to come out this year. It’s since been pushed back to February 2015, so at a guess I’d expect the second alpha to hit around November/December. We’re still waiting for official confirmation.
Sign up here for the chance to get eaten by Cthulhu.