You remember Handsome Jack, right? The smug, motor-mouthed git who harassed/irritated you throughout the Borderlands 2 campaign? Well the first DLC for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel allows you to play as the man himself.
Well, almost. Polygon report that the guy you can play as is a bodyguard surgically and genetically engineered to look exactly the same. Whether the surgery made him quite as annoying as Jack remains to be seen.
This is the first of four DLC packs to follow on from the Pre-Sequel’s launch. It’s part of the recently announced Season Pass which promises new missions, challenges, characters and ”experiences”. That last one’s sort of vague.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will be available on PC and last-gen consoles this October 14. The Season Pass comes in at $29.99, and will be available at the same time as the game.