Telltale Games has tweeted the first teaser image in a while for its upcoming Game of Thrones adaptation, revealing an interesting clue towards the game’s setting.
”…Trackers and hunters sworn to Deepwood with clan names such as Forrester and Woods, Branch and Bole,” reads an excerpt on the tweet, with the clan name Forrester specifically highlighted.
Right, I’m not going to get all nerdy and unbearable about this, but it’s all very intriguing for Song of Ice and Fire fans, as the Northern houses of the Deepwood haven’t really been covered in detail in any of George R.R Martin’s books so far. The quote embedded in the tweet is spoken by Asha Greyjoy (known as Yara in the TV show) in A Dance With Dragons, the latest entry in the series.
Asha is an Ironborn, and the Forresters are a house of Northerners who, as the quote suggests, are particularly adept at ranging, tracking and hunting. (SPOILERS) They help lead Stannis Baratheon through the wilderness when he makes his surprise attack on the wildling forces at the Wall, a scene portrayed recently in the final episode of the TV show’s fourth season. Without wanting to get to spoilery, Asha’s story crosses paths with Stannis’ own, which is where that quote originates.
Does the tweet’s hashtag #IronFromIce suggest that Telltale’s game will feature some kind of connection between the Ironborn, and possibly Asha herself, and House Forrester? It’s certainly possible, though these events take place at a point in the storyline that the TV show hasn’t reached yet. Tantalising…
Telltale’s Game of Thrones is still scheduled for a late 2014 release on PC and consoles, but that’s looking increasingly unlikely.
"...with clan names like FORRESTER"
#GameOfThrones: A @TelltaleGames Series
Based on the @HBO Series
— Telltale Games (@telltalegames) August 29, 2014