Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is set to introduce love him or hate him robot Claptrap as a playable character for the first time in the series, and Gearbox has given us a look at his particular skills.
As you might expect they’re largely focused on creating as much unpredictable chaos as possible; according to Clatrap’s skill tree, his ‘VaultHunter.EXE’ action ability is ”currently still classified as malware.”
There’s the standard array of three skill tress to choose from. ‘Fragmented Fragtrap’ offers a mix of subroutines that benefit various skills from weapon damage to elemental abilities; you can switch between these subroutines in battle. The final skill is a laser-firing disco ball. ‘I Love You Guys!’ is focused more on buffing the team, and at the top level unlocks the ability to perform a series of high-fives for more damage and health increases. Finally, ‘Boomtrap’ encourages explosions. The capstone here allows Claptrap to transform into a pirate ship, to the strains of the 1812 Overture.
With a skill list that there really doesn’t sound like there’s much point playing anyone else, does there? Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is coming this October 14 for PC and last-gen consoles.