Though dwarfed by the mighty legs of Aisha Tyler, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot nonetheless brave the E3 stage at the end of Ubisoft’s press conference to announce Rainbow Six: Siege, a frantic sort-of-tactical SWAT shooter.
In all honestly it looks a little less like classic Rainbow Six gameplay and more like a Battlefield-style building destruction simulator, but we can hope that this trailer has been glossed up for the E3 spectacle and is slightly more bombastic than the final game will be.
While the trailer’s a nice-looking one, can I just make a request for next year’s E3, Ubisoft? You know those fake voice-chat actors you hired? Get rid of them. Seriously, that’s the most obnoxiously irritating thing I’ve ever heard. To accurately simulate online gaming what you need instead is six hundred 13-year old boys simultaneously shrieking sexual threats at you through your headphones.
Anyway, Rainbow Six: Siege is looking like a possible return to form for the series after a six year absence. Expect more on the game as we move towards that 2015 release date.