Platformer Rain World, created by developers Joar Jakobsson and James Primate, has already been in development for three years. Now it has a new Kickstarter campaign, aiming to raise enough funds to complete production.
The game stars a lovable slugcat (self-explanatory) exploring an industrial wasteland, while avoiding acid rain and other mutated beasties. It looks and sounds gorgeous, as you can see for yourself in this alpha trailer.
On the game’s Kickstarter page the two-man team explain the reasons for the campaign. ”We have reached the inevitable point where we realize that in order to make Rain World into the game we believe it deserves to be, additional resources and personnel will be required that we -hacking away in our basements- can’t provide on our own.”
Funds will go towards further development, the hiring of new team members to polish and refine the game, and quality control.
The goal is $25,000, and the campaign ends on February 13. As usual there are tiered rewards available for backers.