When Watch Dogs first appeared on the scene at E3 2013, it’s fair to say the graphical fidelity was a great deal more impressive than the the final version ultimately turned out.
But all is not lost! Modder TheWorse has been tweaking in-game files and making his own adjustments in an attempt to recreate that initial wow factor. Check out the results for yourself. Interestingly, TheWorse claims that most of the files he’s been using were actually already hidden within Watch Dogs’ engine, which suggests there was some major back-scaling going on by Ubisoft.
”I’m a very obsessed person, with many things mainly graphics,” he writes on the mod’s main webpage over at Guru3D. ”Also i’m a fan of using sweetfx on every game I can use it. I like to make my own presets always. After release and this stupid stuttering problems I started searching for fixes etc.”
“Then I saw many threads talking about the engine when I realized it was based on dunia 2 so I tried to unpack the files which obviously not worked.. so after searching so much for the unpacker I found it, started playing with it and after a long time of testing I ended up getting the E3 Bloom from 2012 working. After studying how bin hex worked and downloading many tools to convert files etc, I was able to integrate and enable many effects. I told myself to keep trying and trying and that is what I have done.”
TheWorse says he will continue to try and get the best out of Watch Dogs, while we scratch our heads and wonder why, if what this chap’s saying is true, Ubisoft bothered to downgrade the PC version. Grab the mod here, but be warned that this is a very early version, and might cause additional problems and technical issues within your game.