The space faring Elite: Dangerous is now at Beta 3.9 thanks to the latest patch release from developer Frontier, and there’s a massive list of changes and new content to trawl through on the official forums.
There’s new missions, mission branching, permits and more permits, custom Earth and Mars, and a gas giant’s worth of stability fixes and other tweaks. No offline ‘fix’ though, sorry.
That massive list of 3.9 changes is available right here. Of course you’re not going to enjoy it as much as a certain someone is. Elite: Dangerous releases on PC December 16th.
Beta 3.9 New Content
- Permits needed to access systems within excluded regions or specific systems requireing permits (like Sol)
Missions can give permits as rewards
Mission branching added
Major faction missions added
Added many new mission templates
System states generate USSs and missions
Multiple user voice comms support added
Rare goods added
Fixed event scenarios added
Added imperial starport variants
Add custom Earth and Mars to Sol
Trade Route data for the current system is provided for free upon connecting to the Station Services
Charge player for non-local trade route data, and ensure the galaxy map updates when it changes
Dormant fines/bounty support added
Major faction (Imperial and Federation) missions added
Permits for systems and regions added
Added support for the free-track protocol in addition to TrackIR. This will allow FaceTrackNoIR to work with the game without any additional setup
Support for starports in supercruise added
Can drop cannisters that aren’t marked as stolen
More variety for USSs added