Tripwire Interactive has released a new video for their upcoming co-op zombie-blaster, Killing Floor 2. It shows off five different enemy ‘zeds’ that could really do with some killing.
They are; the Clot, Slasher, Crawler, Cyst and Fleshpound. The crawler is some kind of spider-zombie thing. There’s no need for that.
Killing Floor 2 has some pretty simple priorities. Tripwire wants blowing up these enemies to be as gory and satisfying as possible. In a recent interview with PC Gamer, creative director Bill Munk said, ”Killing Floor is a simple game. You have weapons. You see something that looks messed up. And you kill it. You get money for doing it and you buy better weapons. Rinse and repeat. The more enjoyable that small little loop is, the more successful the game is.”
To that end the team has been busy animating and motion-capturing as many gory fatalities as they can. ”This project on an animation end has been a dream come true for me,” Munk said. “This is the first time we had the budget for me to do mocap for everything and try to make everything look as sick as possible.”
Killing Floor 2 is confirmed as coming to Steam Early Access at some point, though there’s still no word on exactly when that will be.