A new content update is in the works with Godus set to expand its land mass with an all-new location for followers. To do that they’ll first to need to uncover and rebuild an Ark.
It’s no small feat as the Ark is enormous, and can hold up to 500 followers. Wayworld is the new land, and it’s much harsher than our Homeworld. We get all new features too.
This new world for example will contain flood plains that do actually flood, and water itself will also help to keep land fertile. Roaming sheep herds will be seen to go with a new future settlement.
New styles of abodes, as well as increased abode rankings will come with Wayworld, alongside new God Powers such as better sculpting and the ability to call down a Comet. New shrines will also let us collect wheat or ore within a certain radius, and new stickers and buffs will help out. Check out the sneak peak for Godus’ next update.