Okay, so normally developers sum up the changes included in a patch with a few scant words and a lengthy forum post.
Not so for Prison Architect creators Introversion Software, who’ve put together a thirteen minute video talking users through the finer details of their latest alpha update, which mainly involves squishing as many bugs as possible.
Featuring producer Mark Morris, designer Chris Delay and programmer John Knottenbelt, the video explains how the team went about defeating the 73 major bugs and over 1500 duplicate bugs they managed to zap in time for update 22. There’s even some pie charts.
Seriously, it’s probably only for those with an interest in programming and game design. I do think it’s worth applauding a team that focuses so heavily on hunting down bugs rather than cramming in new features, though.
Prison Architect is in early access on Steam right now, and it’s currently available for 50% in Valve’s Summer Sale.