The last thing any MMO wants is a region that gamers avoid because it’s a waste of their time and energy. World of Warcraft is no different, as players have more or less abandoned the Garrison Shipyard. The Shipyard offers missions for player ships, and while they have a very high success rate, the ships themselves are often destroyed. Additionally, most of the experience earned from the missions go to the ships themselves, and worthwhile missions are a bit too rare.
Blizzard has issued a new hotfix that promises to make the Shipyard a far more attractive place for players to utilize. The hotfix includes the following changes:
- Rare naval missions should now appear more frequently.
- Increasing the chance of success on a naval mission will now also decrease the chance a ship will be destroyed on failure. If the mission success chance is at or above 90%, no ships will be lost on the mission.
- Naval blockade missions now have a shorter duration of 30 minutes (down from 4 hours), reduced Oil cost to 50 (down from 100), and increased the amount of time before a naval blockade returns to 7 days (up from 5 days).
- Increased success chance bonus on missions provided by a Human Crew by 50%.
- Increased success chance bonus on missions provided by a Pandaren Crew by 33% and the bonus will now apply to Missions that are 12 hours or longer (was 18 hours or longer).
- Significantly increased the effectiveness and bonuses provided by Naval Equipment items by 100%.
It remains to be seen if the hotfix entices players into using the Garrison Shipyard once again. The next expansion, Legion, will be released late next year.