There’s been no shortage of post-launch content for Blizzard’s virtual card game Hearthstone already, but a teaser page posted yesterday suggests the studio has something new in the works.
In a post titled ‘The Innkeeper’s Tale: A Mysterious Person’, a friendly game of cards is interrupted by an “imposing, broad-shouldered figure”. Which happens in real life all the time.
“Patrons squinted, their eyes adjusting to the light as they tried to make out the newcomer,” reads the short story. “Hesitation brought with it a mild tension as for a brief moment, no one moved or spok. The innkeeper’s warm, hearty laugh echoed throughout the common room as he gestured the newcomer inside, breaking the sudden silence. The patrons laughed along with his infectious guffaw. Mugs were hefted high, and cries of challenge were shouted, clamoring to be heard.”
The identity of this mysterious stranger would appear to be related to the next card pack drop or expansion for Hearthstone, though there’s few clues as to who or what it that could be. It’s the silhouette picture embedded in the text that’s the source of rumours over on the Hearthstone Reddit; the popular vote seems to be for dwarf king Magni Bronzebeard, with fans speculating that he might offer an alternate version of the Warrior class. This is supported by the fact that the image is tagged ‘HeroTeaser01_HS_FB_CK_500x500.jpg’.
Alternate class heroes would seem to make logical sense for the game, but either way, hopefully we’ll find out what this new addition is soon.