Way back in 2012, a new successor to the Star Wars Battlefront games, Star Wars: First Assault, was to be published by LucasArts before it was bought by Disney, which killed all of the studio’s projects including First Assault and Star Wars 1313.
The game was in development long enough that it even got its own Xbox.com product page. Rumors stated that the game was very far along in its development, and that it was only a month or three away from release status.
Now, a new video has been released by someone who had the tech demo on the Xbox 360’s Passport program which allowed developers and journalists to play both beta and pre-release versions of games before they were live on the Xbox 360. The build did not allow multiplayer, and it didn’t have bots either. It was strictly for people to walk around the level and interact with it.
Despite being a seventh generation console game, the graphics are impressive, and the level construction is even more so. There was obviously a lot of craft put into every nook and cranny of the map, which definitely had a Counter-Strike feel to it. (Even the level itself is reminiscent of the beloved Dust_DE map from C-S.)
The game was aimed at being a digital title, with a smaller scope like Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike. Check out the tech demo video and let us know if you think it would have been a big success.