EA DICE has unveiled another game mode for Star Wars: Battlefront. It’s called Supremacy Mode, and it’s pretty much a Star Wars flavoured version of traditional Conquest mode.
Supremacy centers on five control points, and your team is tasked with controlling as many as possible before a ten-minute timer runs out. Each team starts out controlling two, so the initial battle converges on the central point. This is where you’ll see the biggest battles Battlefront has to offer.
“When you spawn into Supremacy, you don’t have to move far to see a lot of friends – and enemies. You’re thrown into a massive frontline, where your screen is filled with adversaries: infantry, Heroes, Walkers, and starfighters. You can prepare for very heavy and focused Star Wars action,” says lead level designer Dennis Brännvall.
Hero characters come into play in a big way, too. Darth Vader is great for defending areas, for example, as he takes an absolute barrage of blaster fire to kill, while faster heroes like Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett are great for securing points.
“Supremacy is a game mode that will excite fans of the Conquest mode from Battlefield,” says Brännvall. ”That said, we’ve made several tweaks to improve the formula. You will always spawn close to the action when you enter Supremacy, so you’ll never feel isolated from the fight. By focusing on one key point at a time, players not playing the objective and camping on a hill somewhere will be a rare sight.”
Star Wars: Battlefront is out this November.