Agate Games has posted the third installment of the Valthirian Arc series, Red Covenant, on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight. The game is described by the developer as ”classic Final Fantasy, meets Sim City, meets Harry Potter.” The previous two installments were Flash-based games, with the third game shifting the graphics from 2D to 2.5D.
Players will be responsible for building and maintaining an Academy where students are trained and sent out on quests. They will be outfitting their students with equipment that will be crafted in such rooms as the Armory.
The combat has been improved over the Flash titles as well. ”Each student has their own stats and roles which affects their strategy, performance, and survivability during battle. Unlike Valthirian Arc II, you can now control each student individually, so you don’t have to worry that your healer will blindly charge the enemies. You can even use your tank to draw enemies in. The correct positioning combined with the right arrangement of skills or spell combos will make fighting formidable enemies a walk in the park,” states the developer.
The game will also oversee the promotion of students as they level up in the classic Final Fantasy Tactics mode.
Gamers interested in backing Valthirian Arc: Red Covenant can visit the Kickstarter page here.