Choo, choo everybody, all aboard the virtual reality headset express. The latest company to throw its hat into the hotly contested ring is Starbreeze Studios, the Swedish developer best known for its work on titles such as The Darkness, The Chronicles of Riddick, and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.
Starbreeze’s StarVR is a device aimed squarely at the high-end market, a headset boasting a 5K display, a 210-degree horizontal arc and a 130-degree vertical arc for improved peripheral vision, and 360-degree head-tracking.
Aside from its high-end tech, the company’s plans for forcing its way into the marketplace as a contender to Valve’s Vive and the Oculus Rift involve developing both hardware and software simultaneously; rather than focusing on one area, the company plans to use its proprietary Valhalla engine to create games specifically designed for VR play.
Overkill’s The Walking Dead shooter was used as a demonstration for the device at E3, though Starbreeze says this is purely a proof of concept vertical slice, and not indicative of its final plans for the game.
There’s no word on pricing or a planned release schedule for the StarVR just yet.