Previous Just Cause games have always come with a demo, but Square Enix has confirmed that won’t be the case for the upcoming Just Cause 3. There also won’t be a photo mode for you to take snapshots of your craziest stunts. More’s the pity.
Square Enix tweeted that a photo mode is ”currently not planned for the release”, which isn’t concrete proof that we won’t see one added post-release, but makes that possibility pretty unlikely.
We haven’t seen too much of Just Cause 3 yet, outside of a few tantalising screenshots, but Avalanche founder Christofer Sundberg tweeted that the ”countdown to many cool things have begun…” yesterday. Expect more information to drop on the open world action game soon.
It’s a busy year for Avalanche, with two big open world games set to drop; Just Cause 3, and Mad Max. Together, that’s probably all the exploding cars you’ll need for a good long while.