New League of Legends hero Bard has a really impressive beard. Yes, there are some other special abilities, statistics and so on, but lets face it – it’s the beard that’s the important part.
Developer Riot Games has revealed the latest addition to the MOBA’s roster over on its website. Bard’s a so-called “Wandering Caretaker” tasked with protecting the world of Runeterra.
In terms of gameplay, Bard operates as a support character with the ability to zip around the battlefield by collecting shrines scattered across the map.
“Bard is League’s first support to gain advantages solely from moving around Summoner’s Rift,” Riot explains. “By constantly collecting his unique chimes, he covers plenty of ground at all stages of a game, and offers his team both solid sustain with his health packs and unrivalled team mobility with his long range portals.”
Most of the beardy chap’s abilities involve plonking those shrines down on the map, then using them as portals to transport himself and allies long distance. He’s also fairly good at picking off lone heroes and zipping away unharmed.
There’s a detailed breakdown of how exactly Bard works over on the League website, but be warned; if you don’t know much about MOBAs it’s a bit like reading a dictionary upside down and backwards.