Another month, another Alpha milestone for Introversion Software’s Prison Architect. This new update includes a new room: the Mail Room.
Prisoners enjoy a bit of correspondence, and the chance for some extra contraband. Introversion also introduce ‘prisoner grading’ that’s tied to a new ‘room quality’ for cells that feature luxuries.
Until now there’s been little reason to deck any of the prison’s cells out with any luxury amenities like a TV, bookshelf or even a chair. Now though these extras actually have an impact on the ‘grade quality’ of the cell in question, and that provides a means to reward prisoners with privileges. Those who behave can be upgraded to these better cells.
It’s no good looking to a run a 5 star prison though as any bonus happiness that’s earned from these higher grade cells only occurs when they’re above the average quality in the prison, meaning if all your cells are fancy then there’s nothing to feel all that great about.
Prisoners are now also affected by the ‘long term impact’ of your prison on them, so any who aren’t getting certain needs met won’t necessarily start fights straight away anymore. The higher their ‘re-offending chance’ the more likely they’ll misbehave however.
The new Prison Architect Alpha 33 video explains the latest changes.
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