The wicked Dark Elves are very much the Goths (although I suppose the Vampire Counts might have something to say about that) of the Warhammer Fantasy world, so naturally they take to the field in Blood Bowl 2 wearing skin-tight purple trousers and 80’s-era Kiss haircuts.
Not exactly a tactic that you would expect to be very effective against marauding orks and trolls, but thankfully, as this new video from developer Cyanide shows, they’ve got a few other tricks up their sleeves.
Namely, being really bloody fast.
“Dark Elf teams prefer a malevolent and spiteful running game over the passing of their goodly cousins,” the developer explains. “Backed up by the ruthless Witch Elves and dangerous assassins, a Dark Elf team has all the tools to power through rather than around any opposition line. Dark Elves are very agile, and each of their players is a potential thrower, catcher and more importantly, scorer. However, while they like to get up-close and personal on the pitch, they are definitely not the most resilient Blood Bowl players, and replacing a player who suffered an “accidental death” will cost you…”
There’s also a nice moment in the video where a dark elf runner employs a ‘hypnotic stare’ move to baffle a dwarf, while he scampers around him to score. This is the kind of underhanded strategy that I appreciate.
Blood Bowl 2 is now available to pre-order on Steam ahead of its release this September. There are two pre-order editions (sigh), one which will net you a Wood Elf team, and one for the Lizardmen.