As Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege beta concluded recently, one of the concerns voiced in the community was the issue of team killing and how they intend to combat it. Recently, Ubisoft responded directly, confirming that it is aware of the issue and that it will not go unanswered.
The matter was addressed on Twitter where quite a few players have sounded off on the issue. Ubisoft responded directly via the official Rainbow Six Twitter. Reportedly, Ubisoft has plans to ensure that on launch day, players that kill their teammates will not get away with it. They did not, however, expand on what sort of system would be in place when the game releases
@perry5356 Yes. We have a plan in place to handle them. It will not be tolerated at launch!
— Rainbow Six (@Rainbow6Game) November 28, 2015
Rainbow Six games in general are punctuated by a sense of finite life. In many modes if you die, you’re done for the rest of the match, so certainly this is a matter that trolls and other such bitter folks will take advantage as well as one that Ubisoft must address. It wouldn’t be the first big problem they’ve come at in a hurry though. Amid hefty issues plaguing the start of the Beta, the team got it back on track quickly. It will be interesting to see how effective the fix for this issue will be.
Rainbow Six: Siege releases tomorrow, December 1, on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.