The first trailer for Lost Soul Aside came out a week ago. If you told me it was the latest title from Square, I’d believe you. It looks like Final Fantasy XV. That’s partly due to the gothic anime stylings of the main character, but also due to the absolutely gorgeous, expansive environments. It’s also the work of a single developer.
Bing Yang is a South Korean developer who created Lost Soul Aside on his own in the space of two years. Yang has been posting updates to social media, after the trailer hit 1.5 million views and has drawn a ton of attention from potential development partners, including Sony and Epic Games.
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He posted on his public Facebook page ”As you can guess I have just walked through from two years of tough and lonely life, now I’m not sure if I am brave enough to dive into another two or three years of tougher but less lonely life again. It may take me some more time to make a decision. Maybe I’ll make a wrong decision eventually but now it’s far more than enough to me as a normal developer getting so much attention and encouragement from all of you.”
It’s no surprise that he’s dealing with this kind of attention, because the trailer for Lost Soul Aside is astounding in its quality and fidelity, even down to the smoothly-animated, fast-paced action combat. It’s not only gorgeous, it looks fun, too! I hope that whatever decision Yang comes to, it ends up with us being able to play this game.