Want to go catch typhus in war-torn Italy? You'll have to pick up a copy of Sniper Elite 4 and head back to 1943 to do it, but the offer is there.
In the first of a planned series of story trailers, we're debriefed on England's plans to invade a Mussolini-controlled Italy during the peak of its civil unrest.
Aiming to spread Axis powers thin with false information and smaller attacks elsewhere, while the masses of troops get shipped into the mainland, you'll be tasked with paving their way in a series of operations prior to the large-scale movement.
Need a little more information? We have a handy round-up of Sniper Elite 4 here.
It doesn't do much to showcase the gameplay at work here, but at least we'll be able to learn a little more about where we'll be jetting off to once the game finally does arrive. There's plenty of concept art and gameplay stills in the trailer, however, so it's not completely void of content there. And with a February 14 release date still on the cards, Valentine's Day has a new focus - for some.
Where else can we expect to go? With the DLC missions focusing on killing Hitler - again - someone familiar with the Second World War can likely make a few educated guesses.