Trevor ‘TmarTn’ Martin, the gaming community’s most hated man right now released an apology video to all his fans on YouTube, but subsequently removed it only hours later. The CSGOLotto owner has also removed all references to gambling on their Steam group, which doesn’t actually make any sense at all because that’s literally all you can do on their website.
A lot of anger towards Martin comes from the fact that he doesn’t directly apologise for any of his actions during the course of the video. Instead, he chooses to blame his viewers for not reading CSGOLotto’s terms and conditions which state under thirteen year olds should not use the website.
Funnily enough, that’s not the only thing people are mad about. Martin seems to forget that he misled his three million subscribers by failing to disclose that fact he owned this website. His first CSGOLotto related video mentions how he just stumbled onto the website, he doesn’t state that he was the creator of it.
This is the best YouTube comment relating to this whole debacle: “It seems apparent you’re sorry you got caught and not sorry for your actions.” says YouTube commenter, WorkTheSpace. “I clicked on this video hoping you’d redeem yourself, but instead of addressing any legitimate concerns you just blame viewers for not knowing information you clearly intentionally disclosed such as the fact you were the owner of CSGO Lotto, you didn’t mention this in video descriptions, your twitter or your linked in page. When called out on this you adjusted these accordingly which to me is a clear acknowledgement of wrongdoing. This video came across as a heavily scripted to the extent where at some point it sounded like you were reading from a sheet from your lawyers, there was no sincerity in the apology and whilst I appreciate your content ultimately through this whole ordeal you’ve exposed a sleazy, perhaps even greedy part of your personality you’ve clearly tried to hide.”
There’s not much to say as that comment pretty much covers it all. The sad thing is that WorkTheSpace was quickly banned from watching Martin’s videos after posting his comment. It’s clear Martin can’t take criticism well, but he’s the one living in a mansion so what do I know…
Martin has removed the video claiming he was “disappointed in it”. We are sure that has nothing to do with the insane amount of dislikes it received in the few hours it was put up. We look forward to seeing what Martin uploads next. If his next video isn’t a genuine apology video, the Internet will let him know about it.
If you haven’t caught up to date about this entire scandal, you can read an article we wrote a few days ago involving another YouTuber by clicking here.