Jailbreak sim The Escapists is celebrating its one year anniversary in style, as Mouldy Toof Studios has announced the studio will be releasing a new map, Paris Central Pen, for free via a Steam update. The map will be available on February 16th.
According to the developer, the Paris Central Pen map is inspired by the La Santé Prison in Paris, best known for being the jail that held the infamous assassin Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (better known as Carlos the Jackal). La Santé Prison, established in 1867, was known as one of the most brutul prisons in the world. Other well-known prisoners included French novelist Jean Genet and Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, son of the former French president.
The Escapists was developed by Chris Davis, the studio’s founder, and took off when Team17 spotted the 8bit, prison-escape game during its modest Kickstarter campaign and added the developer and his game to their indie stable.
The game was released last February and earned an 8.0/10 score from GameWatcher’s review. It became popular enough to warrant a The Walking Dead-licensed spinoff.